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Sing Out with Strings works with children in Limerick's regenerating areas, providing workshops in singing, song writing and eventually violin. The aim of the project is to encourage, engage and enlighten children through a positive creative experience with professional musicians and artists.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Meet the Musician welcomes Jean McGlynn!

In Sing Out with Strings, we thought we knew all about the relationship between music and story telling... until we met Jean McGlynn! Last week, Jean came to visit Galvone National School to tell us about her job as a Musical Theatre actor! She has played lots of different roles and worked in London's West End! In this Meet the Musician, Jean showed us how you can use make-up, costumes and wigs to create a brand new character.
In just 20 minutes, she turned from Jean

into McCavity the Cat!!!

Before we knew it, our school assembly hall had turned into a stage show and we were all part of it! AMAZING!! Thanks Jean for one of the most exciting Meet the Musician sessions EVER!

Meet the Musician welcomes Hermitage Green!

It's all go here at Sing Out HQ so we're a wee bit behind in our news! We've had loads of fantastic visitors in the past three weeks! We were very excited to welcome Dan Murphy and Darragh Griffin from the band, Hermitage Green! They came to visit all three Sing Out schools and told us about the many different kinds of music they like to play, from Irish Traditional to Flamenco. We met some new instruments; a slide guitar and a didgeridoo! You can see how Darragh and Dan used both instruments, and hear a bit more about the didgeridoo in this clip!

We were also delighted to meet Dermot Sheedy, who plays bodrĂ¡n with Hermitage Green at some of their gigs. He told us all about the Irish drum, and gave us one of the most impressive Meet the Musician solos ever! You can check out Dermot's amazing skills here! A BIG THANK YOU to Dan, Darragh and Dermot!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Meet the Musician welcomes Andrew Jordan and Shannon Burns.

It's not often we get two different sets of visitors in one week! We were particularly lucky to have Shannon Burns and Andrew Jordan visit us at Southill Junior school last Monday. Andrew is from Limerick, and Shannon is from New York and together they direct the Redemptorist Centre of Music. We had the chance to see and hear two new instruments up close - the saxophone and the trumpet! They showed us the different ways that both instruments can be played, loud and soft, fast and slow, as soloists and as a duo! Thanks Shannon and Andrew!

Meet the Musician welcomes Conor Ryan and Dave Keary!

We were so excited last week to meet these fantastic musicians! Conor is a singer, a member of the Limerick band 'Leading Armies' and he was recently on The Voice! Dave is a guitarist and runs his own recording studio. http://www.reddoorproductions.ie/ He plays with many different musicians including Van Morrison! We had the chance to ask loads of questions, and heard all about Conor's favourite type of music, Jazz. Here's a little clip of the duo performing 'At Last.' Thanks Conor and Dave! Come back and visit soon!

