About Me

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Sing Out with Strings works with children in Limerick's regenerating areas, providing workshops in singing, song writing and eventually violin. The aim of the project is to encourage, engage and enlighten children through a positive creative experience with professional musicians and artists.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mid-Term Break and still busy!

Even though it's mid-term break, things are still busy here at Sing Out HQ! Each of the schools are learning each others songs now, so there are lots of lyrics to learn over the break! We're starting to get very excited for our May Concert, which will take place in the Ak Ilen Wooden Boat Building School! Just think! As we sing our sea shanties and sailor's ballads, we'll be surrounded by real boats!

In other news, we just received a fantastic video from the University of Limerick, showing our visit with Mr Howard Crosby, Bing Crosby's nephew! It's never quiet here!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And the word of the week is...?

What is so special about music … what do you need if you want to write lyrics to a song … what makes the difference between different songs?
Now we can answer some of these questions, with our new word … RHYTHM!!
As an example for Rhythm this week we listened to the piece “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” sang by the London Community Gospel Choir.
They change the rhythm of the piece and therefore the song sounds completely different. Amaaazing!!

Now whenever we perform at a concert, we know that one of the most important things to remember is, we must all practise and feel the same rhythm in order to perform the piece of music together as a big group!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Galvone's Violin Bootcamp

A special WELL DONE to Miss Drew's 4th class in Galvone, who successfully completed a TWO WEEK violin bootcamp! That's 20 lessons in 10 days! On Friday they gave a special in-school performance for their families and they were fantastic!

Thumbs up 4th class! We're all really proud of you!

Word of the Week....... JOY!

This week we've been chatting about one little word - JOY! We can practice, practice, practice, but if we don't remember to enjoy making music there's just no point!

So this week, as we continue to learn new songs, we took some time out to listen to one of the most joyful singing groups Kathleen could find - The Soweto Gospel Choir. They sing with loads of energy and enthusiasm, and you can tell that singing makes them happy! So we're taking a leaf out of their book. Whether we're singing in class or working hard to prepare for our next big concert, we're remembering that the most important thing in music is to ENJOY it!
