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Sing Out with Strings works with children in Limerick's regenerating areas, providing workshops in singing, song writing and eventually violin. The aim of the project is to encourage, engage and enlighten children through a positive creative experience with professional musicians and artists.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Word of the Week....... JOY!

This week we've been chatting about one little word - JOY! We can practice, practice, practice, but if we don't remember to enjoy making music there's just no point!

So this week, as we continue to learn new songs, we took some time out to listen to one of the most joyful singing groups Kathleen could find - The Soweto Gospel Choir. They sing with loads of energy and enthusiasm, and you can tell that singing makes them happy! So we're taking a leaf out of their book. Whether we're singing in class or working hard to prepare for our next big concert, we're remembering that the most important thing in music is to ENJOY it!

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