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Sing Out with Strings works with children in Limerick's regenerating areas, providing workshops in singing, song writing and eventually violin. The aim of the project is to encourage, engage and enlighten children through a positive creative experience with professional musicians and artists.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Meet the Musician welcomes Michelle Mulcahy!

In Galvone's last Meet the Musician session, we were delighted to meet Michelle Mulcahy! She is a very talented harpist and travels around the world performing her music.

Michelle told us lots of interesting things about the harp! The tradition is over 2000 years old, and the oldest harps only had a few strings. The instrument has developed a lot over time though and the harp Michelle plays has 39 strings. We talk a lot in Sing Out about the way music can change our mood. When Michelle played she asked us to close our eyes and see how the music made us feel. There were lots of different reactions - some people felt very sleepy, some people felt happy, others thought of people they loved or of different memories. But everyone felt very relaxed! If you'd like to see what we mean, click here!

Thank you Michelle for bringing your beautiful music to our school!

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